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- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $2.13, revenue of $105.75M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $2.02, revenue of $108.9M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $0.55, revenue of $89.5M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $0.89, revenue of $76.89M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $0.81, revenue of $78.08M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of -$3.70, revenue of $68.8M
- Willis Lease Finance GAAP EPS of $0.14, revenue of $75.81M
- Willis Lease names new CEO
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q3 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q3 results
- Willis Lease Finance buys ATR 72-500 launching aircraft leasing business
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q2 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q1 results
- Willis Lease to raise $336.7M in fixed rate notes offering
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q4 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q3 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q2 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q1 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q4 results
- Willis Lease Finance reports Q3 results
Earnings History
Date | EPS / Forecast | Revenue / Forecast | |
November 2, 2021 | 0.32 / - | 70.79M / - |
Beat! |
August 3, 2021 | -0.12 / - | 66.47M / - |
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May 10, 2021 | -0.36 / - | 61.13M / - |
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March 15, 2021 | -0.62 / - | 61.49M / - |
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November 9, 2020 | - / - | - / - | |
August 5, 2020 | 0.74 / - | 74.98M / - |
Beat! |
May 5, 2020 | 0.56 / - | 81.82M / - |
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March 11, 2020 | 0.68 / - | 93.02M / - |
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November 4, 2019 | 3.81 / - | 122.5M / - |
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August 6, 2019 | 2.66 / - | 95.8M / - |
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May 6, 2019 | 3.35 / - | 103.8M / - |
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March 13, 2019 | 2.91 / - | 134.4M / - |
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November 7, 2018 | 1.47 / - | 78.48M / - |
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August 6, 2018 | 1.26 / - | 74.62M / - |
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May 7, 2018 | 1 / - | 63.89M / - |
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August 8, 2017 | - / - | 69.01M / - |
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May 8, 2017 | 1.26 / - | 79.80M / - |
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March 6, 2017 | - / - | 56.42M / - |
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November 7, 2016 | - / - | 52.09M / - |
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August 1, 2016 | - / - | 49.67M / - |
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May 13, 2016 | - / - | 50.91M / - |
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