Earnings Ahead

MSEX - Middlesex Water Company

80.06 0.76 0.96

Middlesex Water Company

Middlesex Water Company




Iselin, Woodbridge, New Jersey, United States







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Earnings History

Date EPS / Forecast Revenue / Forecast
October 29, 2021 0.65 / 0.795 39.87M / 41M
July 30, 2021 0.62 / 0.585 36.7M / 36M Beat!
May 5, 2021 0.39 / 0.46 32.54M / 33M
February 25, 2021 0.47 / 0.425 34.63M / 34M Beat!
October 30, 2020 0.72 / 0.7 39.92M / 39M Beat!
July 31, 2020 0.55 / 0.51 35.28M / 35M Beat!
May 5, 2020 0.44 / 0.38 31.77M / 32M
February 27, 2020 0.46 / 0.41 32.74M / 34.65M
November 1, 2019 0.66 / 0.72 37.77M / 39M
July 31, 2019 0.49 / 0.55 33.39M / 36M
May 6, 2019 0.39 / 0.31 30.7M / 32M
March 8, 2019 0.43 / 0.42 33.27M / 33M Beat!
November 2, 2018 0.74 / 0.65 38.71M / 38M Beat!
August 2, 2018 0.52 / 0.38 34.92M / 34M Beat!
March 1, 2018 - / 0.33 - / 34.00M
November 2, 2017 0.46 / 0.55 36.17M / 39.23M
August 1, 2017 0.33 / 0.55 33.01M / 34.00M
May 2, 2017 - / 0.38 30.13M / - Beat!
March 3, 2017 0.19 / 0.31 31.81M / - Beat!
August 1, 2016 - / 0.29 32.73M / - Beat!