Earnings Ahead

GROV - Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc

Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc

Grove Collaborative Holdings Inc

  • Industry
  • Sector
  • Market Cap 187.30M
  • Earnings










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  • GAAP EPS of -$0.08 in-line, revenue of $71.57M beats by $2.24M
  • GAAP EPS of -$0.08 beats by $0.01, revenue of $74M beats by $4.5M
  • Grove Collaborative announces Walmart, Amazon launch (update)
  • Grove Collaborative stock climbs over 20% after the bell on $72M term loan
  • Grove receives non-compliance notice from NYSE
  • Grove Collaborative Holdings reports GAAP EPS of $0.05, revenue of $77.73M
  • Grove Collaborative furthers retail expansion with entry into Harris Teeter and H-E-B
  • Grove continues massive retail expansion
  • Grove Collaborative Q2 GAAP loss per share narrows, revenue beats, guidance raised
  • Hot Stocks: Solar stocks rally; GROV surges 84%; HELE falls on guidance; CTIC jumps on bullish rating
  • Grove Collaborative climbs 10% on expanding retail footprint
  • Virgin Group Acquisition's shareholders approve merger with Grove Collaborative
  • Catalyst watch: Kroger earnings, Powell speaks, Cisco event, Ethereum PoS test
  • Grove Collaborative announces backstop SPAC business combination with Virgin Group Acquisition
  • SPAC backed by Richard Branson to take Grove Collaborative public