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- Centerspace FFO of $1.22 beats by $0.10
- Centerspace raised to Outperform as RBC praises market strength
- Centerspace - 6.625% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser C declares $0.4141 dividend
- Centerspace declares $0.73 dividend
- Centerspace raised to Buy as Compass Point favors affordable housing space
- Centerspace FFO of $1.20 beats by $0.06
- Centerspace Q3 2023 Earnings Preview
- Centerspace announces mixed shelf offering
- Centerspace - 6.625% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser C declares $0.4141 dividend
- Centerspace declares $0.73 dividend
- Centerspace GAAP EPS of -$0.23 misses by $0.63, revenue of $64.77M misses by $1.08M
- Centerspace Q2 2023 Earnings Preview
- Centerspace declares $0.73 dividend
- Centerspace FFO of $1.07 in-line, revenue of $67.9M beats by $0.12M
- Centerspace makes COO Olson CEO
- Centerspace declares $0.73 dividend
- Centerspace FFO of $1.17 misses by $0.01, revenue of $67.85M beats by $0.87M
- Centerspace declares $0.73 dividend
- Centerspace closes on $100M term loan
- Essex Property Trust, Centerspace stocks cut at RayJay due to rising costs