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Earnings History
Date | EPS / Forecast | Revenue / Forecast | |
November 3, 2021 | -0.34 / -0.1573 | 83.74M / 70.08M |
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July 28, 2021 | -0.86 / -0.2374 | 81.25M / 71.05M |
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May 6, 2021 | -0.28 / -0.1382 | 76.09M / 78.15M | |
February 26, 2021 | 0.22 / -0.0501 | 76.56M / 94.11M | |
February 25, 2021 | - / -0.0501 | 76.56M / 94.11M | |
November 4, 2020 | -0.84 / -0.0086 | 77.65M / 99.57M | |
August 3, 2020 | -0.41 / -0.05 | 72.65M / 112.75M | |
May 6, 2020 | -0.41 / -0.15 | 82.06M / 110.71M | |
February 27, 2020 | -0.64 / -0.09 | 86.67M / 130.75M | |
October 30, 2019 | -0.15 / -0.14 | 131.88M / 125.62M |
Beat! |
August 7, 2019 | -0.43 / 0.15 | 130.46M / 127.13M |
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May 1, 2019 | 2.66 / -0.08 | 134.25M / 133.59M |
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February 21, 2019 | 0.45 / -0.04 | 132.94M / 126.05M |
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October 31, 2018 | -0.05 / 0.01 | 132.11M / 126.47M |
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August 1, 2018 | -0.05 / 0.01 | 119.64M / 125.29M | |
May 2, 2018 | 0.45 / -0.03 | 138.97M / 139.7M | |
February 21, 2018 | - / -0.02 | - / 151.0M | |
November 7, 2017 | 0.39 / -0.03 | 160.0M / 160.3M | |
August 2, 2017 | -0.44 / 0.02 | 162.8M / 156.8M |
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May 9, 2017 | - / 0.03 | 149.9M / 150.9M | |
February 28, 2017 | 0.17 / 0.02 | 153.7M / 159.4M | |
October 25, 2016 | -0.10 / 0.03 | 157.5M / 152.9M |
Beat! |